
How to Judge Quality of Backlinks from SEO Prospective

Once you are done with perfect onsite audit for the website then 40 to 50% of your work is done. Next comes the activity of choosing quality backlinks for the website which is [part of the offsite submission, as many of SEO’s don’t understand the importance of quality of backlink as it plays key role in gaining rankings for the website in short period of time.

The quality of the website is judged mainly using two of the tools that include SEOMoz and MajesticSEO. As two of them have their own parameters for rating the quality of a website, from SEOMoz prospective, people look out for DA(Domain Authority) and PA(Page Authority) whereas from Majestic SEO prospective, it would be TF(Trust Flow) and CF(Citation Flow),  It is always better to have DA value of above 20 and PA doesn’t matter much whereas TF value should be of minimum 10 and CF doesn’t matter much as well.


Through this post, I would like to highlight the process of choosing the quality of the backlink while doing the linkbuilding activity.

Step 1: First important part is to list out the competitor backlinks in a separate folder by naming each sheet with competitor name to access them easily.

Step 2:  As the complete list of backlinks for the any of the competitor might not be of high quality due to which we have to maintain a separate Excel to filter out the potential backlinks which are taken based on DA, PA of SEOMoz and whereas TF, CF are taken from Majestic SEO.

Step 3:
If you want to have more insights for each of the short listed website then check out for SEMrush traffic as well which should be of minimum 500 to 1000 visitors per month.

To check DA and PA for a website, you can use the moz plugin for Chrome to have two of the values listed for the backlinks and at the same time, we do have majescticseo plugin for chrome.

Based on the above mentioned steps, you can easily shortlist quality of a website and reach out them to gain backlinks for the website.