
Google App allows you to Edit & Share Screenshots; here’s how to use this feature

For all the Android users, Google has rolled out a new feature in its Android app. Google App for Android devices has got a screenshot feature that will allow the users to take a screengrab, edit it, and share with others. This new screenshot feature in Android is similar to what Apple introduced with the Markup tool in iOS 11, but the difference is Markup tool works across all the apps. This tool offers a preview of the screenshot for a few seconds, were users can click on the preview to edit the image, and also share the image with other apps. After editing the screengrab, you can also delete it right from the preview, or save it in the gallery. The feature is said to be available on iOS as well.

Currently, this feature is available in the beta version 7.21 of the Google App. While, we can expect this feature to roll out to the general version of the Google app soon. If you are on the beta version of the Google app, to use this feature, you will find a new setting option under the Accounts & Privacy menu called Edit and share screenshots. Once it is activated, every time you take a screenshot on your phone, it will be followed by a popup from the bottom asking you to either edit or share the screenshot. And yes, this feature works only within the app, but will work across all parts of the app including Search, Feed, and even on web pages visited through Chrome Custom Tabs within the app. Now, Tapping on Edit it will present you three options such crop, draw, and finished. Lastly, tapping on finished option it will show sharing options available within the apps installed on your phone. You can alternatively tap on Share to directly share the screenshot image across apps.

The search engine giant, Google last week shocked the Internet users after it removed the option to download images from its search engine in order to ensure that there will be no copyright violation.