
10 Best Websites to Download Ebooks

Gone are the days when people used to read printed books. With the arrival of tablets, ebook readers and many more innovations in the last couple of years, avid readers have started reading digital books in order to save their time. In fact, it’s much more convenient and comfortable way of reading your favourite authors round the clock anywhere and at any time.

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However, there are still and will always be people supporting printed books, but a large majority of modern readers is finding eBooks a better and more convenient way of learning and reading.

Instead of carrying a bundle of books while travelling, one can easily carry a Kindle or any eBook reader where one can easily hold up to thousands of eBooks without any hassles.

Amazon’s Kindle is the most popular eBook reader which has literally brought the revolution in the industry. Modern eBook readers doesn’t give much eye strain and give you a benefit of carrying thousands books without carrying a stack of books.

With the latest Paperwhite version of Kindle, reading experience on eBook reader has become a piece of cake. And with the multiple free eBook download sites available online, one can easily get his hands on favourite authors without beating around the bush. So let’s take a quick look at some of the best free eBooks download sites from where you can download your favourite eBooks and take them with you in a device anywhere in the world without worrying a little.

1) Overdrive

If you are looking for authentic, finest and legalized free ebooks download site then Overdrive is certainly your cup of tea. It will give you an instant access to thousands of ebooks online including recently released and mainstream books. However, it requires a authentic and valid public library card as the site works almost 30000 public libraries across 40 countries in the world. The site also gives an access to audio books for free.

2) Project Gutenberg

It Is yet another trusted, popular and free ebooks download site where one can find out over 50,000 free ebooks without paying any kind of fees. You might not get the best sellers here but it will offer you some of the best classic books that you can read round the clock.

3) Amazon free kindle ebooks

If you are using Kindle ebook reader then you can get instant access to Amazon free kindle ebooks round the clock. It’s Amazon exclusive product, thus, the Company is offering it’s readers free kindle ebooks including all best sellers, classics and popular help books.

4) ManyBooks

It is one of the oldest sites and offering an extensive library of free fiction ebooks to all avid readers. One can easily download any ebook and pick the best ones from the widest range of best sellers, fiction and non-fiction books. The site is simple to use and navigate and it supports multiple formats including PDF, EPUB etc.

5) Feedbooks

It is yet another incredible free ebooks download site where avid readers can find out a massive collection of ebooks that ca be downloaded easily without facing any kind of complicated process. It has over 1 million titles but only half of them are available for free. One can also find out short stories ebooks based on fiction and non-fiction genres. Here also readers can download in PDF, EPUB etc. formats.

6) FreeTechBooks

It is also one of the best free ebooks download sites especially for computer science, programming and engineering books. One can find out online books, textbooks and lecture notes related to the subjects mentioned above without paying a single penny. It is a legal site thus one can download ebooks or any material without worrying a little about security etc.

7) Internet Archive

It is one of the largest free ebooks download sites where you can find out over 15,000,000 ebooks and texts that can easily be downloaded round the clock without paying any fees. The site also motivates global community to upload digital and helpful material to the site for the consumption of avid readers. It truly justifies it’s name in a true sense by offering netizens an Internet Archive.

8) ManyBooks

As the name suggests, it gives you an instant access to many ebooks for your iPad, ebooks and Kindle. It covers all popular platforms for ebooks and offers fiction and non-fiction titles. Thus, many books are waiting for you at this site. All you need is to explore them as much as possible.

9) Library Genesis

Library Genesis is nothing short of a search engine to get free ebooks to download. It offers an extensive range of ebooks, articles, magazines covering fiction and non-fiction books, popular textbooks, novels, comics, essays and many more. It has over 3million ebooks and over 50 million articles. In fact the navigation is also very easier on this site and it offers multiple formats including PDF.

10) Calameo PDF downloader

If you want ebooks to be downloaded in PDF format you really need to check this site out. It houses various books, digital magazines or publications. It is a perfect site for all those who love to enjoy reading magazines also. It offers a widest range of magazines covering various topics such as cooking, travel, fashion, sport, car and gas. So if you want digital books on the go especially in PDF format then you now know where you have go.

So these are the best free ebook download sites from where you can download and read thousands of ebooks round the clock without facing any kind of technical glitch. Moreover, you don’t need to pay a single penny while visiting these sites.

All of these sites are highly popular ones and readers can easily trust without thinking about any security threat. So what are you waiting for? Pick any of these sites and start reading or downloading free ebooks right on your ebook reader, laptop or kindle.